Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ten on Tuesday --- Headlines From the Year I Was Born

I love this kind of thing.
  1. John F. Kennedy elected President.
  2. The first star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is presented --- to Joanne Woodward.
  3. Adolph Eichmann captured/kidnapped.
  4. Nikita Krushchev pounds his shoe in anger on UN table.
  5. Gary Powers and his U2 spy plane shot down over Soviet Russia.
  6. "Psycho" the top-grossing movie of the year.
  7. Harper Lee wins the Pulitzer for To Kill A Mockingbird.
  8. New words that soon become commonplace: "anchorman," "sit-in,"
    "cosmonaut," "laser."
  9. Astroturf, rayon and the felt-tip pen make their first appearances.
  10. Chubby Checker introduces "The Twist."

    1 comment:

    1. I missed commenting on the Sam Neill pic on the OTHER blog - he had a Buddy looking doggy! :D
