Just the other day, I told a friend of mine that Jose Saramago is my favorite author. This weekend, I finished his Seeing, the sort-of companion to Blindness (one of my favorite books of all.) It was, as all his work is, remarkable. And though Saramago is my favorite author, my favorite writer is:
Heck, maybe he's my favorite reader, too!
Once I got finished with Seeing, I sped through two more books. Both were fairly short, but so compelling it was hard for me not to read them. One was Thunder Dog, about a blind man and his guide dog surviving the 9/11 attacks. (ANYthing about service dogs --- I'm there.) The other book was Scattershot, about a family with bipolar disorder. And "family" here is literal --- both parents, and two of the three children suffer with it. After all my mental health issues this year, it was both a comfort and a fright to read their struggle.
Knitting does continue. I restarted Briton's Christmas sweater with a different color yarn --- just wasn't satisfied with my first choice. I've got just a couple of facecloths to knit for Hannah, and all my knitting for her (so far as I know) will be done. I'm doing little things for the etsy shop --- tree ornaments, brooches, that sort of thing. I hope, I hope, I hope I get some traffic this year, because if I thought last year's Christmas was tough. . . Twelve more months of unemployment have broken the back of this one.